
Yes! 100% of your donations go to local Veterans in need. Pretty inspiring and bold? No, not really. What our Veterans have done is inspiring and bold. They have inspired us at OAG to volunteer our time and effort to give back to these brave men and women. No one in our organization, from top to bottom, gets paid. We are very proud of that. We are dedicated to making a difference in a Veterans life.

No: Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc.
No:  Pension plans, employee benefits
No: Travel, conferences, or meetings expenses
All accounting fees, legal fees, printing fees, credit card fees for each transaction, and operating expenses are paid for out of pocket by the OAG Board of Directors.
We even donate to OAG!

Please do not keep us a secret. I am certain you will like what you see OAG do for our Veterans, so please tell your family, friends, and co-workers about us. We accept donations all year long. It's not about OAG. It's about our Veterans. 100% about our Veterans. Please help our Veterans in need today. Thank You.

